Friday 17 October 2008


A busy day but no sewing, not even time to take the cat card pictures - Sunday I hope..... The seasons are changing here, though it was 14 degrees when I went out this morning, misty and 'god's eyelashes' of light peeping through the trees whilst I was driving through the forest. On my way home a good 3 hours later, it was hot, 26 degrees. Summer again, the day was consumed with appointments, chores, making a massive amount of 'toddler friendly' food - I like to give her what we eat, but often that just isn't possible. She is really toddling now, her initial 4 steps on Tuesday have turned into 6 or 8 with a dive onto the floor to end the run. Very cute, cuter still is the fact that she will walk quite willingly if you don't ask her, but should you want to show off her new skill like a circus trick, she flatly refuses - wonder where that stubborn streak came from!? ha!

I do watch this tree each year, it got snapped in half a couple of years back, but is still huge - the vine grows up it and makes 'nature's fairy lights' when the leaves turn along it's branches, beautiful.

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