Ok - so the pictures don't look too bad - but it was packed, seriously packed - the whole of istanbul decided that Friday at 4pm would be the perfect time to go to the park.... I can imagine a warm sunny Sunday only being like one of the lower levels of hell (however given that this Sunday was rainy and drizzly then it may have been a cool idea.... )
Maybe I am a bit old fashioned but I kind of think that play stuff like this - with a huge sign saying 'for kids - up to 10 years' should not really be used by adults, and really ladies wearing a full niqab really shouldn't worry about who should see up their cloaks whilst at the top and shout up other ladies in similar attire from their group to protect their modesty, if they choose to disobey the rules .... really it could have been quite comical, unfortunately the drama just blocked up the whole climbing tower for the kids it is supposed to serve. We left before it was resolved.... tutting in disbelief..... maybe I am too British?

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