Thursday 5 June 2008

Whole Cloth postcards - in progress

I joined a trade for a whole cloth postcard - not whole cloth in the quilt world way but one large 'sheet' of design that is chopped up into smaller (postcard pieces) the cards are 4 by 6 inches - so I have been working towards a 12 by 12 inch finished piece that will yield 6 cards. I use this method a lot - I like the way the design evolves and although I keep a mental idea where the piece should be cut I don't work within that grid till the end when I try and not put embellishments where I need to cut. I've tried to use the offcuts from other projects that have been gathering - there are 2 BQL bags represented already. The trade is for 4 cards, I'll keep one then add the other to my small pile that I'm accumulating for the next round of Art2Mail - Group 48, my 3rd round of it - hopefully there will be no theme to the trade and I can use the over makes I have as well as a Hydrangeas card - the Hydrangeas are just starting to flower as well as the Acanthus, pictures to come soon.

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