Tuesday 27 April 2010

I missed my birthday

How did that happen - my 2nd blogoversary got forgotten - the ticker no longer works, or is beyond my skills to fix..... so here is cake!
This is the most fabulous cake I have eaten for such a long time..... I have the recipe, in Turkish, which I will, translate, convert to metric and then try - it seems way too easy on first reading for such a great cake, it's creme caramel on a chocolate sponge, all cooked at the same time. The caramel soaks into the sponge.... I had a piece one day, and was dreaming all night of a piece the next day..... fortunately there was some left. mmmm did I say it was good??
My friends are bad, introducing me to something SO good!


me said...

That looks like a very intriguing cake! No wonder you were dreaming about it... would you be willing to share the recipe after translating? I love to cook and my husband loves both creme caramel and chocolate cake. There goes my diet before holidays! lol

Ron Cooper said...

Looks scrumptious!

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Theodora quilts said...

Hi there I'm next ot you in greece ,why don't you have a followers botton? I tried bloglines ,but I got frustrated to sighning up ,but I got you on my coputers favorites botton ,the cake looks delicious and happy Birthday

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